تجديد الوجه
يكشف عن توهج متألق يتحدى الشيخوخة
علاجات شخصية مصممة
لإحياء بشرتك في نهاية المطاف.
خيارات الليزر للوجه بالليزر
استمتعي برحلة تجديد الشباب حيث يستهدف الليزر عيوب البشرة بسلاسة ويكشف عن بشرة مشرقة وإحساس متجدد بالثقة.
ليزر IPL للوجه والرقبة
تجديد الوجه والرقبة$399.00السعر الأصلي هو: $399.00.$250.00السعر الحالي هو: $250.00.
خيارات التقشير النفاث للوجه
JetPeel Skin Care is an innovative and non-invasive skincare technology designed to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin’s appearance. This treatment utilizes a high-pressure jet stream of oxygen and various serums to exfoliate, hydrate, and nourish the skin. There is a reason why JetPeel is in RITZ CARLTON & 4 SEASON’s Hotel Med Spas all over the world.
Essentials of the Luxurious 4 part JetPeel Fcaial are
a) Lymphatic Drainage & Facial Sculpting with specially formulated Serum mixture to start to Ceanse & Oxygenate the skin.
b) Hydro-Exfoliation of Face, Neck & other body areas being treated to cleanse your skin and bring out your beautiful skin.
c) Infusion of the Choice Specially formulated Serums with Multi Molecular Weight Hyaluronic acids, Vitamin C to penetrate deep & give you a Glow, Vitamin B’s & other mixtures to Tone & Vitamin A & E or CBD Anti Oxidation / Acne JetPeel Serum mixtures.
d) Selected Booster at the end consisting of the glow & Tight, Cleansing, Brightening, Lightening, and Anti Acne care etc. This is an experience worth remembering.
Choose which facial you want today
1) Anti Ageing 1: The perfect anti-aging treatment starts here. Ideal for all anti-aging treatments, including deep wrinkles, preserving younger skin, young stretch marks, and deep hydration, it’s an effective antidote against the common signs of aging, with a lift-up and silk touch effect that looks and feels wonderful.
2) Anti Ageing 2: Well-known anti-aging ingredients such as algae extracts, Argireline, betaine, rice protein, buddleia davidii, soybean protein, and thymus. Some of the active ingredients are purposefully formulated in smaller-sized molecules for better penetration and retention.
3) Anti Ageing 3: To achieve the best-tightening effect with deep hydration. Facial 3 is a preferred product for the body, hands, neck, and breast. In addition to vitamin B5 and collagen-boosting peptides, the formula is enriched with several other active ingredients such as betaine, sodium hyaluronate, watermelon extract, rice bran protein, algae extract, ginseng root extract, and echinacea root extract.
4) Anti Ageing 4: Extracted from Cannabis Sativa, Cannabidiol and Virgin Hemp Seed Oil provide the Anti-Aging Facial 4 with a variety of substantial benefits. Enriched with Terminalia Ferdinandiana Fruit Extract, commonly known as Kakadu Plum Extract, and a variety of vitamins A, E, and C, Anti-Aging Facial 4 is the ideal solution for oxidized skin and as a repair to sun exposure damage.
4) Power Bi-Phasic: The practitioner uses 2 different but complementary products during the same session. After a careful exfoliation infuse 4 ml of Power Bi-Phasic 1 and then infuse 4 ml of Power Bi-Phasic 2. Power Bi-Phasic is recommended for aging skin, or as a single Rejuvenative treatment with immediate firming and glowing effect.
5) Skin Lightening: Containing innovative and very strong whitening ingredients that act as a color pigment inhibitor, the infusion of the Whitening Complex 1 with the Jet Technology immediately achieves the desired effect of a brighter, more uniform skin tone
6) Scalp Facial: The unique micro-jet cleansing method achieves optimal deep cleansing, effectively ridding the scalp of dead cells, excessive oil, sweat, and grime. Active Ingredients are Pomegranate, Capixil, & Redensyl
توهج وشدّ
6 × تقشير الوجه النفاث 4 مواسم$1,475.00السعر الأصلي هو: $1,475.00.$850.00السعر الحالي هو: $850.00.
Get Amazing results by Combining Micro-Chanelling with PRP followed by Specially Formulated Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid and other Anti Ageing Serums as Boosters to elevate your Collagen Build-Up & Skin Rejuvenation to a Whole New Level. Once you use the PRP with our Serum Boosters & see the results, you’ll know youre onto Something Special.
Lillium Facials combine Micro-Chanelling with PRP & Exosomes Growth Factors that elevate the Regenerative Restorative potential of PRP to a whole New Level. Whether its for Skin Texture, Glow, Tightness, or simply trying to get your Baby Skin Back, This is an Advanced Luxurious Class of Facials to Experience something Extraordinary.
PRP Face & Neck
with Micro-Needling x 1$650.00السعر الأصلي هو: $650.00.$390.00السعر الحالي هو: $390.00.
علاجات الوجه باستخدام جيت بيل مع الإكسوسومات
استمتع بتجربة فاخرة مع **علاجات الوجه المدعمة بالإكسوسومات**، مما يفتح أمامك إمكانيات التجديد في العناية بالبشرة المتقدمة
تجميل الوجه التجديدي
MicroNeedling with Lillium-Exosomes & PRP$800.00السعر الأصلي هو: $800.00.$535.00السعر الحالي هو: $535.00.
تعدك خياراتنا المتنوعة للوجه برحلة مخصصة للكشف عن جمال بشرتك الطبيعي، مما يضمن لك بشرة منتعشة ومتجددة.
تجديد شباب الوجه بالنيوجين
$1,750.00السعر الأصلي هو: $1,750.00.$1,550.00السعر الحالي هو: $1,550.00. -
Facial Sculpting-Tightening with RadioFrequency
$1,950.00السعر الأصلي هو: $1,950.00.$990.00السعر الحالي هو: $990.00.
Discover the latest in facial technologies, transcending traditional beauty norms. From cutting-edge LASER treatments to the refreshing JetPeel experience.
بوتوكس: ثقة بدون تجاعيد
اكتشف القوة التحويلية للبوتوكس في مركز صن شاين آند ويلنس.
المزيد في صن شاين
رحلتك نحو بشرة خالية من العيوب تبدأ الآن. تخلص من حب الشباب، وقلل التصبغات المفرطة، وعالج الآفات الوعائية، وجدد البشرة باستخدام بلازما نيودين للحصول على نتائج مشعة.
اكتشف المزيد
Revitalize your skin with our diverse facial rejuvenation categories.
قم بزيارتنا اليوم

مكتب أورانج بارك
1409 Kingsley Avenue, Unit # 2, Orange Park, FL 32073

مكتب جاكس الرئيسي
4788 جادة هودجز، جناح 105، جاكسونفيل، فلوريدا 32224
وحدة الطب الباطني (جناح # 105)

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